datatables editor create dialog - how to change create button to btn-success

datatables editor create dialog - how to change create button to btn-success

evan123evan123 Posts: 8Questions: 6Answers: 1

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Is what datatables creates

I would like to change the "btn btn-success btn-primary" to just "btn btn-succcess"

I put in
$.fn.dataTable.Editor.classes.form.button = "btn btn-success";

Which got something in ... but not sure how to get the btn-primary removed now ...


  • allanallan Posts: 61,972Questions: 1Answers: 10,160 Site admin
    DataTable.ext.buttons.create.formButtons.className = '';
    DataTable.ext.buttons.edit.formButtons.className = '';

    Should remove the btn-primary class from the edit and create views for Editor's Bootstrap 5 integration. The remove button uses btn-danger which you might or might not want.


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