

Since: FixedColumns 3.1.0

Number of columns to fix to the right of the table.
Please note - this property requires the FixedColumns extension for DataTables.


This option can be used to set the number of columns that will be fixed to the right hand-side of a table.

As of FixedColumns 5 it is text direction aware and will always fixed to the right of the table, regardless of the text direction.

fixedColumns.end is generally preferred over this option as it is independent of text direction.




The number of columns on the right hand side of the table to fix in place.


  • Value: 0

No columns will be fixed to the right hand side of the table.


Left and right columns fixed:

new DataTable('#myTable', {
	fixedColumns: {
		right: 1

Fix no columns on the left of the table:

new DataTable('#myTable', {
	fixedColumns: {
		left: 0,
		right: 1