FixedColumns with responsive not working

FixedColumns with responsive not working

TronikTronik Posts: 121Questions: 28Answers: 1


Been scratching my head for a couple of hour on this now.

I cannot get the responsive (plus sign) to work when I have fixedColumns enabled, it wont expand.

If I remove the:

 fixedColumns: {
        leftColumns: 3

everything works.

Where should I debug this?


  • TronikTronik Posts: 121Questions: 28Answers: 1

    Hmm when I tried this:

    responsive: {
                details: {
                    type: 'column',
                    target: -1
            columnDefs: [ {
                className: 'control',
                orderable: false,
                targets:   -1
            } ],

    Placing the + on the right, then it works...but the fixedcolumns on the left wont move or collapse though everything else does.

    This is what I use for the column (most left)

            data: null, 
            defaultContent: '',  
            orderable: false,
            className: 'control'
  • TronikTronik Posts: 121Questions: 28Answers: 1

    Hmm, I see now on the compatibility chart that Responsive and FixedColumns are not compatible.

    Anyone faced the same issue who solved it another way?

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