How to change the position of Individual column filtering in jQuery ...

How to change the position of Individual column filtering in jQuery ...

viral1986viral1986 Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited October 2013 in DataTables 1.8
I have to show the filter textboxes on top of the data table and i m using jquery.dataTables.columnFilter.js ...
Any help would be appreciable...!!!

Viral Sarvaiya


  • allanallan Posts: 61,972Questions: 1Answers: 10,160 Site admin
    edited October 2013
    The column filter is a 3rd party plug-in - you'd be best opening an issue on their project, or look thing through the source. There might even be an example of how to put the filters at the top.

  • viral1986viral1986 Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited October 2013
    Hi Allan,

    Thanks for your quick response.. i had made the changes in jquery.dataTables.columnFilter.js and it shows on top but it replaces it on thead tag .. i want to put this filrter text on below or above thead tag...
    hope i clear up my point.....


    Viral Sarvaiya
  • allanallan Posts: 61,972Questions: 1Answers: 10,160 Site admin
    As I say, its a third party plug-in and not supported in this forum. Sorry.

  • viral1986viral1986 Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    It will be very helpful if you have any forum link of ColumnFilter.js
  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,350Questions: 37Answers: 394
    Look at the ColumnFilter download link on the "Extras" page.
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