KeyTable breaking autofill functionality and bootstrap styling

KeyTable breaking autofill functionality and bootstrap styling

keith.abramokeith.abramo Posts: 37Questions: 6Answers: 0

When combining keytable with autofill, key table seems to remove the blue square drag icon when hovering over a cell. It only shows up when you focus on that cell.

Also, it seems to mess up the bootstrap styling. When you focus on a cell and that blue square drag icon shows up it is not at the bottom left of the cell it gets pinned to the right-center of the cell and the blue dotted drag outline when dragging seems to be offset up about 10-20 pxs so it does not exactly outline the cells you want to autofill. Lastly when you focus on a cell it adds an ugly blue 3px border to the cell which partially overlaps with the bootstrap form input in the cell.

I think the first issue is more important since it breaks functionality but it would be great to have the cosmetic issues looked into if possible.

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  • allanallan Posts: 61,972Questions: 1Answers: 10,160 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    I've just added a reply to your other post on this topic. I realise there is some extra information about the styling here, but rather than splitting the discussion between two threads and me getting all confused, if we could keep it in the other thread, with a link to a test case showing the issue, that would be great.


  • keith.abramokeith.abramo Posts: 37Questions: 6Answers: 0

    Sounds good to me. I'll follow up with an example of the bootstrap styling issues in the other thread to keep everything together.


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