convert column to row. is it possible?
convert column to row. is it possible?
I want to make 2 columns(openday, school_name) into 1 row and print it as a table.
I would like to print it out like a desired table.
Is it possible?
If possible, please explain in detail.
my code is :
$SQL= "SELECT Concat_ws('\n' openday,'', school_name) AS school_column, supply_name,score from result ";
$grouped = [];
$columns = [];
$resultObject = $result = mysqli_query($conn, $SQL);
foreach ($resultObject as $row) {
$grouped[$row['supply_name']][$row['school_column']] = $row['score'];
$columns[$row['school_column']] = $row['school_column'];
$defaults = array_fill_keys($columns,'-');
array_unshift($columns, 'school_column');
<table id="example" class="display" style="width:100%" align="center">
While($result = mysqli_fetch_array($resultObject));
echo "<tr>
<td> ".$row['school_column']." </td>
While($result = mysqli_fetch_array($resultObject));
echo "<tr>
<td> ".$row['supply_name']." </td>
<td> ".$row['score']." </td>
This discussion has been closed.
I'm afraid your question is not specific to DataTables. As a PHP / SQL question, you'd be better asking on StackOverflow.