FixedColumns not working with StateSave and ServerSideProcessing

FixedColumns not working with StateSave and ServerSideProcessing

barthbarth Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited May 13 in Bug reports

Link to test case:,console,output
Debugger code (
Error messages shown: Uncaught TypeError: a[order[i]] is undefined
Description of problem: FixedColumns not working with StateSave and ServerSideProcessing

At first glance, the follwing line in fixedColumns.mjs triggers the problem:

applyStyles(dt.column(idx + ':visible', { page: 'current' }).nodes().to$(), 'body');

To reproduce, go to a page other than the first page and reload the output-window.


  • barthbarth Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    To reproduce, go to a page other than the first page and reload the output-window.

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