Forum Menu Item

Forum Menu Item

Wooly65Wooly65 Posts: 66Questions: 19Answers: 0

The Forum menu item is linked to which causes an error

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  • allanallan Posts: 61,972Questions: 1Answers: 10,160 Site admin

    Is it fixed for you now? It appears to be okay for me at the moment (Friday morning, UK time).


  • Wooly65Wooly65 Posts: 66Questions: 19Answers: 0

    I tried from a couple of different browsers that I don't use and thus there should be no caching issue.

    Nope the Forums menu item still references /forums/index which raises an page not found. I can get to forums via

  • allanallan Posts: 61,972Questions: 1Answers: 10,160 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    Thank you! I think I've got it now. I also think it was me suffering from good cache that did what I expected! Apologies. It should be fixed now.


  • Wooly65Wooly65 Posts: 66Questions: 19Answers: 0

    It is fixed

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