Simple Demo To Tone Down Select Color

Simple Demo To Tone Down Select Color

chboccachbocca Posts: 86Questions: 13Answers: 1

Here's link to simple demo that employs a more subtle background and hover coloring (than the default) when using Select extension.

Was a little tricky, so thought I would share.



  • allanallan Posts: 61,972Questions: 1Answers: 10,160 Site admin

    Nice, thank you. Worth noting that you can more easily change the row selected colour using the --dt-row-selected CSS variable.


  • chboccachbocca Posts: 86Questions: 13Answers: 1
    edited March 8

    Sweet. Thank you, Allan. I incorporated --dt-row-selected into demo for both selected background color and text. Also, added Deselect button. Very much appreciate. c

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